Saturday, December 14, 2013

Google solidly plants its stake in Robotics

Search may have sparked Google's beginning but it's now moving hard and fast into Robotics. With this week's acquisition of Boston Dynamics, and several earlier Robotics related acquisitions, Google is positioning itself as a major player in the field.

Scary? Perhaps. I find it somewhat anxiety-raising when one large company moves to put itself in the significant position to call the shots - hopefully they'll remember that motto, "Do no evil!"

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Removing old Ubuntu kernels easily

Ubuntu doesn't automatically remove old kernel packages, so over time the number of unused kernel packages will build up. On recent releases, you could manually use the graphical UI of the Synaptic Package Manager (SPM) to locate and remove the old packages, but as of the Ubuntu Saucy Salamander release the SPM is no longer available.

However, there's a neat way to do it directly from the command line or a shell script, too. See this Ubuntu Forum article for details.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Registering Oracle Java using alternatives on CentOS 6

If you want to add the Oracle JDK to a CentOS 6 box, one easy way is to download the JDK RPM package, and use the rpm(8) command to install it easily, like this:

$ sudo rpm -ivh jdk-7u45-linux-i586.rpm

But chances are the newly installed JDK will not be visible at the command line, especially if the openjdk is already present. How to fix this? You'll have to use the alternatives(8) command to manually register the Oracle JDK. See the instructions on the if-not-true-then-false site for details. I recommend following the "Use Java JDK latest version" example.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Microsoft Office jumps to the net

Remember when Google Docs came on the scene and some commentators said it was the beginning of the end for Microsoft Office? Well, it seems Office may have turned the tables. See here, too.

Things to come

The Open Innovation Forum shares some interesting perspectives on how technology is changing the human race and will continue to do so ahead.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Easy home theater option

Sound bars are a neat way to drop in home theater easily, provided you're not a high-end audiophile. There may be other limitations, too - but if you want an easy installation with few or no wires required - they're worth a look.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Creepy robotics

This stuff is downright creepy to me. I guess I've read one too many Sci Fi stories about robots used for nefarious purposes. These surely give pause for concern - and unfortunately the trend is only likely to continue. It looks like drones are just the tip of the iceberg, folks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Third Industrial Revolution

Here's a thought-provoking article that makes me wonder about what the near future will hold. Will we see an idealistic world of increased freedom from menial toil and labor, or a dystopian society where displaced workers and their families struggle to survive? Will the gap between rich and poor become so great that social upheaval and struggle is unavoidable? Or will we be able to provide opportunities for all to survive and prosper? As a society and culture, I think we must challenge ourselves to seek and shape the best possible outcome now.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Windows Sysinternals Tools

Windows Sysinternals is an incredibly useful tool suite for Windows devs, admins, and IT pros available for free from Microsoft Technet.