Showing posts with label Raspbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raspbian. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Update Raspbian OS on the Raspberry Pi

I have an early Raspberry Pi model running the Raspbian OS "jessie" release (which lacks Python 3.6 and its useful "f-string" format syntax.) So, I wanted to upgrade to the contemporary "buster" release to resolve that issue. Here's what worked:

  1. Follow these excellent instructions (Use the section "Update Raspbian to the Latest Version") to manually update OS releases sequentially. So, in my case, I upgraded from "jessie" to "stretch" and then from "stretch" to "buster."
  2. You'll likely want to upgrade the Docker packages, too. To do it, refer to the following steps:
Now, "You're Good to Go" with the latest release ("buster" in this example!) Enjoy 😀👍