Showing posts with label Yelp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yelp. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New inflection trends

I've noticed some growing inflection trends - perhaps you have, too:
  1. Rich Internet Application (RIA) websites - Popping up all over the web. Many new services are offering more content, context search and interfaces, more appealing and flexible presentations, etc. See My Yahoo, Yelp, Scribd, and RedBubble as examples - there are many more out there, too.

  2. New object oriented languages that offer comprehensive web and OS integrations. For example, Ruby on Rails, Ramaze, etc., Visual Studio .NET, Java, and C++.

  3. New simple but comprehensive configuration management tools: Atlassian, Git, SVN, etc.
  4. New web development and testing tools. Far too many to list here - it's tough to keep up with everything that's appearing they're coming out so fast!

  5. New interface APIs: Android, Yahoo! BluePrint, Palm Mojo, iPhone SDK, etc.

  6. New cloud computing virtual servers and storage, making it easier to stage and test on the open Internet: Aptana Cloud, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, and Zetta.
Despite the economy, it's a great time to be a developer or a tester :)