Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cloud Storage Drivers

On-line collaboration services are well-suited for hosted storage within the cloud. Services like on-line groups, blogs, wikis, and the like will easily drive the growth of cloud storage, since it's accessible from anywhere, allows storage consolidation for all client types, scales uniformly, and can be backed up easier than locally-hosted storage.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cloud Storage that makes sense

An interesting article about Ubuntu One cloud storage. One possible application: A bookmarks app, which allows your Firefox bookmarks to be shared and managed among all the computers you use.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Supercomputing the Opteron way

Interesting article regarding Cray Computing's capture of "top dog" of the supercomputer list.

I really like the performance of the AMD x64 dual-core processor in my Compaq V3000CTO notebook, it's still fast after all those Win XP and MS Office patches.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

VirtualBox rocks!

I suppose I'm the last one to board the train, but I've recently been test driving VirtualBox and found it to be a slick freeware virtualization solution. It rocks!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Sometimes, I hear things so remarkable that I have to share them with others, so bear with me.

In today's church service, the pastor shared this statement:

If you withhold forgiveness, it's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!

Wow; that's profound! It was a great sermon; if you'd like to check it out, visit the WVPC website and select the Sep 20, 2009 message, "Six Words that will Change Your Life".

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Perfect City

I like David Byrne's quirky way of looking at things. Check out his article on "the Perfect City", it's an enlightening and enjoyable read.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Getting Sun Java and Groovy Working on CentOS 5.3

I had a devil of a time getting Sun Java, Groovy, and the GraphicsRenderer class working on CentOS 5.3. Furthermore, Google searches for tips on the Internet failed to turn up any directly relevant results.

Therefore, by research, trial and error, I came up with this simple method which WORKS:
  1. Download the Sun Java JDK RPM and install it.
  2. Download the unofficial Groovy binary RPM from Codehaus.org and install it.
  3. Download the GraphicsBuilder module from Codehaus, too.
  4. Unzip GraphicsBuilder in /tmp.
  5. export GROOVY_HOME=/usr/share/groovy
  6. Drop all the GraphicsBuilder jar files into $GROOVY_HOME/lib.
  7. Copy or move the GraphicsBuilder bin directory to $GROOVY_HOME.
  8. Add the following lines to your .bashrc:
# Java setup for CentOS

export GROOVY_HOME=/usr/share/groovy
export JAVA="sun"
export JPATH="/usr/java/default"
export CLASSPATH="$JPATH/lib:/usr/share/groovy/lib"

*THEN* make sure you add /usr/java/default/bin BEFORE /usr/bin in the shell PATH!

NOW you can use groovy from a bash command prompt (at last!)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's Going on with CentOS?

Realizing that it's been a while since there's been a CentOS release beyond 5.3, I popped over to the centos.org website and was surprised to read that there have been some project management changes in the wind.

You might want to check it out, too.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Firefox 3.5 vs. IE 8

For me, Firefox v3.5.2 wins hands down vs. Internet Explorer 8.

Here's why:
  • FF is more reliable than IE. I've had IE crash and lock up on various occasions, never seen it happen with Firefox.
  • The vast number of useful FF plug-ins vs. those for IE is like comparing the selection of iPhone apps vs. the inventory for the Palm Pre. MS has a lot of work to do to catch up.
For now, Firefox is my preferred browser!