Showing posts with label MacBook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MacBook. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Apple M1 MacBook - XCode update panic issues

I ordered a first-edition Apple MacBook Pro (with M1 chip) following the product announcement in August 2020. There were some challenges getting my favorite tools on-board but I ultimately got them all resolved and the system has been working great!

This past couple of days, however, the system has started taking spontaneous panics occasionally 😟 I can't be sure, but it seems like it may be related to the recently distributed XCode 12.5.1 update. First, the update never completes - it seems to just hang towards the end. And ever since it went partially on, the panics have started.

I hope Apple will resolve the issue soon, as the user experience is currently like driving down a road with random landmines! 😨🤞

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mac Dock!

Getting all the external I/O connections hooked up to your MacBook can be a daunting task! This nice tethered dock by Henge Docks provides a nice all-in-one solution via USB 3.1 for around $199 MSRP. When you consider that a single Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet adapter goes for around $30, the price tag to "Solve Everything" may not be that bad.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Installing Robot Framework on a MacBook

I recently faced challenges getting the open source Robot Framework to work on my MacBook, which is running OS X El Capitan. In general, the installation process should be trivial, but here's what finally worked:

  1. If you have the brew package manager installed, update it:

        brew update
  2. Use brew to install (or upgrade) the chromedriver program:

      brew upgrade chromedriver
  3. Make and use a Python virtualenv for the framework installation:

      pip install --upgrade virtualenv
      source  # Note: Depends on where was installed to.
      mkvirtualenv robotframework
      workon robotframework
  4. Install the necessary framework packages:

      pip install --upgrade robotframework
      pip install --upgrade robotframework-selenium2library
      pip install --upgrade requests
Now, you'll be able to use the robot command to run test scripts OK :-)